Prize money


Prizemoney in the open classes for Adults!

* 5000 sek for adult male blackbelt & brown/black belt for women 
(in order to get your money you need to send us your expenses for an upcoming event [competition fee, flight and/or hotel tickets] and we will pay them)

* 4000 sek for adult brownbelt
(in order to get your money you need to send us your expenses for an upcoming event [competition fee, flight and/or hotel tickets] and we will pay them)

* 2000 sek for purplebelts (as a coupon code for upcoming personal Nordic registrations + a NOC-Hoodie)
* 1200 sek for bluebelts (as a coupon code for upcoming personal Nordic registrations)
* 600 sek for whitebelts (as a coupon code for upcoming personal Nordic registrations)

In order for the prizemoney to be paid out we require brackets with a minimum of 6 fighters for men and 4 fighters for women, confirmed and paid in the morning of the event. If the number of athletes are not met the amounts will be 50%.

An actual fight must take place for the spectators! Gentleman agreements are not allowed and if we see that happening, no money will be presented to the winner. 


  • Juvenile girls 200 SEK
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile boys 200 SEK
    16-17 years
  • Men 400 SEK
    18 years and above
  • Women 400 SEK
    18 years and above
  • Girls 200 SEK
    4-15 years
  • Boys 200 SEK
    4-15 years
  • Open Division / Women 200 SEK
    Adults in White, Blue, Purple belt + Master division for Brown & Black
  • Open Division / Men 200 SEK
    Adults in White, Blue, Purple, Brown belt + Master divisions in black

Cancel/Refund policy